Pilates is filled with jargon that accentuates its core belief of strength. Joseph Pilates believed strongly in the power of the mind and when you use the Pilates terminology, you trigger your mind to follow the image you are creating. These are just a few of the common Pilates terms we use to assist you in feeling and performing in the class properly.
“The hardest thing in the world is to stand correctly” – Joseph H. Pilates
Powerhouse A four inch band which wraps around the middle body from front to back, that runs between the hips and ribcage, supported by inner thighs and seat.
Scoop the abs The action of drawing the lower abs ‘in and up’ under rib cage.
Box A rectangle formed by two imaginary lines; shoulder to shoulder.
Frame Skeletal Frame which outlines the body , or Apparatus Frame which frames the body.
C-curve The shape we create when we deeply scoop the abs, pulling them in and allowing the spine to lengthen into a C shape in response.
Pilates point The position of the foot used during many Pilates movements. Feet softly pointed, a lengthening quality out through the arches.
Core muscles These include your abdominal and back muscles, the muscles in your pelvic floor and the diaphragm. All these muscles work to keep your trunk stable.
Trunk The top part of the body below the neck down to the waist. The trunk excludes the head, neck and arms.
Muscle memory It is best described as a type of movement that the body becomes familiar over time with repetition.